Welcome to the page for meeting and event planners! We know that organizing a memorable event takes a lot of work. Our goal is to be as easy, as responsive, and as flexible as possible when working with you. We will help you deliver tangible results and positive outcomes… for your on location or online event!
Jasmin will work closely with you to familiarize himself with your audience, organization and industry in order to create a customized message with practical, actionable deliverables to best serve them. If you require any further information beyond what you find in this page, feel free to contact us. Our team is committed to helping you organize a WOW event!

Keynote Outlines
We are pleased to present Jasmin’s top seven keynote and workshops. Each presentation is designed to make your personal experience rich and rewarding.
At any time, we can adapt the content of the presentation according to your needs and expectations. We can also combine the contents of two or more keynotes. Jasmin is fully bilingual so each of the presentations can be given in English, French or both.
Jasmin is an experienced speaker who will be able to offer you the “tailor-made” performance that suits you! Let us know your concerns, your challenges and the results you are looking for. Our goal is to be as flexible and as effective as possible when working with you.
The WOW Effect!
Create more WOW around you!
Proven benefits of creating a WOW effect!
Recognized WOW-inducing strategies!
Tips for mastering the art of expectation management!
The WOW Effect in Sales and Business Development
Sell more and keep customers coming back!
Best practices for boosting sales and generating WOW among your customers.
Innovative business development techniques.
Innovative customer retention strategies.
The WOW Effect in Customer Service
Strategies to make your customers say “WOW”!
Giving customers an unforgettable experience.
Strategies to increase the pleasure of serving others.
Powerful service quality habits.
The WOW Effect in Leadership
Engage and inspire your team!
Developing and mobilizing an effective team.
Specific and practical methods for propelling your leadership to the next level.
Leadership strategies in times of change.
The WOW Effect in Teamwork
A WOW team is exciting, mobilizing and—most of all—gratifying!
Useful examples for boosting team participation, involvement and commitment.
Tips for instilling a dynamic atmosphere within your workplace.
Multiplying results through teamwork.
The WOW Effect in Win-Win Negotiations
Becoming a top negotiator
Best practices for creating a value- (and not price-) based approach.
Outstanding win-win negotiation techniques.
Top negotiator strategies and practices.
The WOW Effect in Work-Life Balance
Enjoying both sides of the equation!
Combine and coordinate professional achievement and family quality.
Lifestyles and philosophies of those who find the best work-life balance—and their tips for you!
Practical guide to creating WOW at work and in your personal life.
Customization Possibilities
Each presentation can be offered on location, online or even both.
We can combine elements from two or more keynotes.
Each presentation can also be offered in a training and / or workshop mode.
Each presentation can be given in English, French or both.
Possible durations: between 45 minutes and a full-day. The most popular formats are 60, 75, 90 minutes, as well as a half-day.
Number of attendees: from 5 to 5000.
We always take the time to customize the presentations to your organization, your needs and your expectations.
Our goal is to make your experience as valuable and engaging as possible!
Preparatory Virtual Meeting with Jasmin
In order to familiarize ourselves with your audience, organization and industry, we strongly suggest a preparatory virtual meeting (on Zoom, on Teams or on the phone) with Jasmin before your event. Meetings are normally around 30 minutes in length, and we will take all the extra time necessary if need be.
Before the meeting, our team will have gathered information on your industry and your business. If necessary, a second meeting can also take place a few days before the event to finalize the last details. It is important for us to customize the presentation to make it as realistic and useful as possible for you!

Audiovisual Requirements for In-person Events
Below is a checklist that will ensure the best audience experience. Please share this list with your AV Contact Person. If it is a challenge to obtain one or more items from this list, please contact us.
A helmet microphone (preferably) or a Lavaliere (lapel) style microphone with new batteries (only for groups of more than 50 people).
A screen and a video projector. Jasmin will bring his own PC laptop. Image cables required: HDMI or VGA.
Very important: Jasmin’s laptop has to be in front of the room (not at the rear with the technicians) so that Jasmin can access it when he needs to. Jasmin will use his own wireless mouse from the front of the room.
Cables required for sound: HDMI (same as for picture) or a 3.5mm / ¼ or otherwise an XLR (Jasmin will have an XLR adapter). For groups under 50 persons, Jasmin can bring his own speakers if you ask him too. Sound quality is important as some videos will be shown during the presentation.
- A podium or lectern is not required. Jasmin does not require an Internet connection.
A table on the stage (or at the front) to put the Jasmin’s laptop, notes and a glass of water.
Introduction Text and Bio of Jasmin Bergeron
Here is a text for introducing Jasmin on stage. Please contact us is you want to adapt this text to your company, your audience or the theme of your event.
Jasmin Bergeron is a veteran of 2000 keynote presentations and workshops in 12 countries around the world! Jasmin is also a full professor at the Business School of the University of Quebec in Montreal. He also authored or co-authored of five books, 40 scientific research papers and over 100 newspaper articles in publications such as The Wall Street Journal.
Please help me welcome….. Mr. Jasmin Bergeron!!!!
Here is Jasmin’s short bio for your promotional materials. If you have limited space for the speaker’s bios in your promotional materials, feel free to select only the first paragraph or to edit the text below according to what is the most relevant to you.
Jasmin Bergeron, Ph.D. is a veteran of 2000 keynote presentations and workshops in 12 countries around the world! Jasmin received the “Certified Speaking Professional” designation, which is the highest international designation that can be earned in the professional speaker industry worldwide. Jasmin is also a full professor at the Business School of the University of Quebec in Montreal. He also authored or co-authored of five books, 40 scientific research papers and over 100 newspaper articles in journals such as The Wall Street Journal.
Jasmin’s main objective is to deliver practical tips and tools that can be implemented immediately. Delivering well-researched and relevant insights, Jasmin Bergeron is known for his interactive, humorous and value-oriented approach. Jasmin is a fully bilingual speaker who has a unique ability to simplify seemingly complex challenges in a way that will provide your audience with a fresh and useful perspective. Attendees particularly value the memory aid he hands out at the end. You will leave Jasmin’s keynote refreshed, energized and more confident than ever that you are prepared for the road ahead.

Room Setup Tips
Just as the atmosphere of a restaurant can enhance the dining experience, the layout of a room can improve the WOW effect on your audience! We don’t want to cause you extra work and we are very flexible, but sometimes paying attention to certain details can lead to superior results.
To improve the atmosphere in the room, it is preferable that the attendees be seated close to each other, while respecting the actual government rules of social distancing. Do not try to use all the space available in a room. Rather, it is best for your participants to be able to interact with others while remaining at a legal distance.
To maximize the attention of participants, the first tables or chairs should be located within 2-3 meters of the speaker.
Room temperature is crucial to have a successful event, yet it is too often overlooked. Participants usually become agitated or unfocused when the room is too warm or too cold. Ideally, cooler settings are preferable to warmer settings. We recommend to adjust the room temperature anywhere between 19.5⁰C and 21⁰C (67 to 70⁰F). Please make sure the room temperature is adequate at least one hour before the event.
Jasmin’s keynotes and workshops are very interactive and engaging, please try to fill the seats in the front of the room for energy. The empty seats should be found at the back of the room (not in front). We aim for physical group cohesion. It also prevents latecomers from interrupting the presentation.
In smaller, round-table settings, please advise participants to sit on one side of the table (in the shape of a half-moon) so that all participants have a good view of the stage and screen.
To facilitate the memorization of the keynote and its quick applicability into concrete actions, we STRONGLY suggest that pads and pencils be available for participants. Most hotels provide these items on request. Note that this suggestion is especially important if an educational goal is sought during the keynote or workshop.
Video Recording
Because our primary objective is to bring value to you, we always accept with great pleasure the requests for video and / or audio recording of our presentations. Many of our clients we thrilled with this service because employees who were unable to attend the event were then able to see it and participants at the event stayed inspired. If you would like to record Jasmin’s keynote, please contact Lucie Larouche as soon as possible at 450 280-1306 or at lucie@jasminbergeron.com.