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Jasmin the University Professor

Jasmin Bergeron, MBA, Ph.D. has been teaching at the University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM) for several years. During this time, he has received many opportunities to travel abroad, lecturing MBA students at the Paris-Dauphine University in France, as well as in the United States, Qatar, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Jamaica (more than 10 times), etc.
As a professor, Jasmin is also responsible for developing a specialized training program for senior executives from a number of Canadian companies! Jasmin is a dedicated professor! Every single course is designed to engage, entertain, educate and empower his students. Jasmin also received several awards, appointments, distinctions for his educational work.

Jasmin teaches the following university courses:

  • Managing Customer Relationships and Sales (MBA for Managers)
  • Employee Coaching and Mobilization
  • Sales Management (MBA for Managers)
  • Marketing (MBA for Managers)
  • Marketing Financial Services
  • Marketing Tourist And Hospitality Services
  • Market and Sales Force Management in Financial Institutions
  • Prospecting Strategies


Concordia University

Doctorate in administration (Ph.D.)

Major: Marketing

University of Quebec in Montreal

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Major: Marketing


Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration (BAA)
Major: Marketing and Human Resources

Jasmin the Scientific Researcher

Jasmin Bergeron has actively contributed to over 40 scientific publications, including more than 20 articles in academic journals and 20 papers at scientific conferences. Six of these reports received special distinctions, recently including the International Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence. He also received the “Jean Perrien Best Paper of the Conference Prize” from the ACFAS in the Relational Marketing and Collaboration category in 2009, the “Best Paper—Services Marketing” at the summer conference of the American Marketing Association in 2008, the “Best Paper of the Conference Prize” from the ACFAS in the “Relational Marketing and Collaboration” category in 2007 and the “Best Text” prize for the tourism and hospitality section of the Canadian Association of Administrative Sciences Conference. Finally, one of his articles was shortlisted for the prestigious “Excellence in Service Research JSR Award.”


Because Jasmin Bergeron’s research projects are innovative, content-rich, and thought provoking, he obtain more that $250 000 in research grants from institutions such as the social sciences and humanities research council of Canada

A partial list of scientific papers

  • Rajaobelina, Lova, Elissar Toufaly, Line Ricard et Jasmin Bergeron (2014), An integrative model of installed online trust in the financial services industry, Journal of Financial Services Marketing, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp.186-197.

  • Paulin, Michèle, Ronald J. Ferguson, and Jasmin Bergeron (2011), Customer Sociability and the Total Service Experience: Antecedents of Positive Word-of-mouth Intentions, Journal of Services Management, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 25-44.
  • Bergeron, Jasmin and Michel Laroche (2010), The Effects of Perceived Salesperson Listening Effectiveness in the Financial Industry, Journal of Financial Services Marketing, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp.6-25.
  • Rajaobelina, Lova and Jasmin Bergeron (2010), Antecedents and consequences of buyer-seller relationship quality in the banking sector, The International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol. 27, No. 5., pp.359-380.
  • Bergeron, Jasmin and Marc-Antoine Vachon (2009), The Effects of Humour Usage by Financial Advisors in Sales Encounters, *** The International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol. 26, No. 6, pp.376-398.

    This article was one of the three « Highly Commended Papers » in the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence in 2009

  • Bergeron, Jasmin, Jean-Mathieu Fallu, and Jasmin Roy (2008), Une comparaison des effets de la première et de la dernière impression dans une rencontre de vente, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 19-36.
  • Bergeron, Jasmin, Jasmin Roy, and Jean-Mathieu Fallu (2008), Pleasantly Surprising Clients: A Tactic in Relationship marketing for building Competitive Advantage in the Financial Services Sector, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, Vol. 23, No. 2.
  • Paulin, Michèle, Ronald J. Ferguson, and Jasmin Bergeron (2006), Service climate and organizational commitment: The importance of customer linkages, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 59, No.8, 906-915.
  • Laroche, Michel, Zhyong Yang, Gordon H.G. McDougall, and Jasmin Bergeron (2005), “Internet versus Bricks-and-mortar Retailers: An Investigation into Intangibility and Its Consequences”, Journal of Retailing, Vol. 81, No.4, 251-267.

    The Journal of Retailing is known as one of the five best academic journals in marketing by the AMA (American Marketing Association)

  • Ferguson, Ronald J., Michèle Paulin, and Jasmin Bergeron (2005), Relational and Legal Ties in the Performance of Interfirm Service Exchanges: The Empirical Case for Relationism, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 33, No.2, 217-235.

    The Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science is known as one of the five best academic journals in marketing by the AMA (American Marketing Association)

  • Laroche, Michel, Gordon H.G. McDougall, Jasmin Bergeron, and Zhyong Yang (2004), How Intangibility Affects Perceived Risk, Journal of Service Research, 6(4), 373-389.
  • Laroche, Michel, Jasmin Bergeron, Mark Cleveland, and Christine Goutaland (2003), The Knowledge-Experience-Evaluation Relationship : A Structural Equations Modeling Test of Gender Differences, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences. 20(3), 246-259.
  • Bergeron, Jasmin, Line Ricard, and Jean Perrien (2003), Determinants of Commercial Clients’ Loyalty in the Banking Industry, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 20(2), 107-120.
  • Laroche, Michel, Jasmin Bergeron, Marc-Alexandre Tomiuk, and Guido Barbaro-Forleo (2002), Cultural Differences in Environmental Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviours of Canadian Consumers, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 19(3), 267-283.
  • Laroche, Michel, Jasmin Bergeron, and Christine Goutaland (2001), A Three-Dimensional Scale of Intangibility, Journal of Service Research, 4(1), 26-38.

    This paper was finalist for the « JSR Paper of the Year Award »

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